Welcome to our new website!

This is an exciting time for us as we launch this new site and invite you to explore its content.  We are sharing lots of information about health and wellbeing, details of projects we are delivering and services we offer.  There is something for everyone whether you are a member of the public, a professional delivering services or an organisation planning new projects which can influence health and wellbeing for our local communities.   

Being ‘healthy’ is very personal and can mean different things to different people.  When we talk about our health we can be thinking about our physical health, our mental health, our spiritual health or more.  How we feel about our health is influenced in many different ways, our own unique experiences and what we value in life. What we need to be healthy is very varied but there are some key things like a warm home, clean water and a varied diet, feeling safe, access to the outdoors, exercise, human connection and learning or work which makes us feel positive. 

Our health is not something that we can hold or show to others but it is something that we can look after and nurture.  This can be about understanding how we feel about our health, by seeking support when we need it, accessing services that can help us or by adopting healthy behaviours in our everyday lives.  Being aware of what makes us feel good or not can be the first step in knowing what we need to do to care for ourselves – but this might not be easy.   

Over recent years there have been many things that have impacted our lives and communities which have also had an influence on our health and wellbeing.  The Covid19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis have taken their toll on our wellbeing. For example, some people haven’t been able to access services they need, some of us have felt the effects of missing our loved ones and some of us are having to make harder and harder choices about what we eat, how we stay warm and how we spend our time.  It’s important to remember we are all affected in different ways and that we all need different things to feel healthy, or healthier. 

Our website has lots of information about different aspects of health and being healthy.  As it’s a new website we are really keen to hear what you think.  Please let us know if you can’t find information you are looking for or if you feel there is anything missing – the link below will take you to a form for sharing your feedback.  It is important that this website is helpful and provides you with valuable tools, resources or ideas so please don’t hesitate to let us know.  Alternatively, if you’d like to have a chat with someone from our team just get in touch at info@healthyshetland.com