No Smoking Day – 13th March 2024

Wednesday 13th March marks National No Smoking Day, this year we are raising awareness of where you can get support if you are looking to quit at any time.

The Quit Your Way service is here to support anyone in their ambitions to quit.

Facts and Figures

  • Smoking remains the single largest preventable causes of premature death and ill health in Scotland, responsible for 8,260 deaths each year.
  • In Scotland there is an estimated 685,256 people smoking.
  • Smoking rates in Scotland are exacerbated by social inequalities.
  • 25% of adults in the most deprived quintile (SIMD1) smoke, compared to 7% in the least deprived quintile (SIMD5).
  • 31% of people with a long-term mental health problem smoke, compared to 16% without.
  • 52% of all cancers diagnosed in Scotland are linked to smoking
  • 66% of people in Scotland who smoke report they would like to stop smoking.

Quitting smoking is hard, but we are here to help you find your way. Quit your way services can offer you tailored support with trained advisors, who are specialists in smoking behaviour change. We can also provide you with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), free of charge, which gives you a safe, clean way to manage cravings.

If you would like support to quit please contact our local Quit your Way service:


Shetland community pharmacies also offer free stop smoking advice where the pharmacist will explain the medications available to help you quit smoking. They can talk to you about the different types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) available. They’ll tell you the pros and cons of each to help you decide which option is the best for you.

Contact your local pharmacy to find out more about the services they offer – Pharmacies | NHS Inform

Online support

NHS Inform also provide national support which is based on the Scottish Mainland, have a look at these support options on the NHS Inform website – Quit Your Way Scotland | NHS inform