Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Tips for managing anxiety during Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 

The signs of Spring over the last few weeks have been uplifting.  To see sunshine and to feel the anticipation of Summer months ahead feels refreshing.  There is always the risk that Summer has already passed us by (!) but bright skies and fresh air encourage me to lift my head and see what’s around with renewed energy.   

Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.  Research is ongoing to understand this better but there are many reasons why being outside can be beneficial including exposure to vitamin D from natural light, being more active and connecting with nature.  It can also be time to relax during busy times and can help reduce loneliness.   

Mental Health Awareness Week is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation and runs from the 15th to the 21st of May, 2023.  The theme this year is anxiety, a common feeling that can sometimes get out of control.  Across the UK, people are encouraged to get involved by sharing their experience of anxiety and the things that can help with the hashtag #ToHelpMyAnxiety.  As part of the campaign, the Mental Health Foundation have published guidance on how we can manage and improve feelings of anxiety and prevent them from developing into a more serious mental health problem.   

Anxiety is something that we can all feel and there are lots of reasons for why someone might feel anxious.  Whilst it is a common feeling, if we don’t know how to cope with anxiety it can get out of control and become more of a problem.  Findings ways to manage anxiety or prevent it from getting worse are an important part of self-care.  There are things we can do such as breathing exercises, physical activity, speaking to a trusted friend, or keeping a diary. You can find more information and guidance Mental Health Foundation guidance.  There is also lots of information about managing anxiety, as well as other mental health problems, on the NHS Inform website.  If you are interested in getting outdoors remember that May is also National Walking Month and there is lots of support get involved in Shetland. These resources have lots of helpful advice and suggestions for how you can find ways to manage anxiety as part of our everyday lives. 

If anxiety is not going away or it is having a negative impact on your life there are services out there which offer further support, or speak to your GP. 

Get involved in Mental Health Awareness Week: 

  • During Mental Health Awareness Week use the hashtag #ToHelpMyAnxiety to share experiences of anxiety and the things that help 
  • It’s time to go green for Mental Health Awareness Week. Run a Wear It Green Day and raise money to help Mental Health Foundation fight for good mental health for all.  
  • Use Mental Health Foundation resources in your family, school, workplace, and community to join with thousands of people who will be finding new ways to connect with Mental Health Awareness Week. 
  • For more information about this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week visit 

For further information and interviews about Mental Health Awareness Week please visit or contact the media team at Mental Health Foundation on email