Good Mental Health for All – Blog

Good mental health for all – isn’t that the dream? When our mental health deteriorates it can be one of the most debilitating experiences of all. And so difficult to manage because of how complex it is. Physical and mental health can be so intertwined, as can our genetics and social circumstances.  If only there was a sticky plaster or tablet that could restore you to your best just like that. Sometimes it seems there is no magic wand. But that doesn’t mean there are no answers or ways to help. Recovery is a reality.

The C word and mental health

Covid changed all of our lives, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Either way, the impact has been severe and that means our needs have changed. Around 40% of UK adults (2021) said that the pandemic had a negative effect on their mental health, and that doesn’t take account of how it has impacted on our teenagers and younger kids.  We are still in a recovery phase and still don’t know what the long term impact on our population’s mental health has been.  We need a new plan, a more robust plan… and that’s where the Good Mental Health Strategy hopes to kick in.

The place to be…

There are a lot of things to be thankful for in Shetland.  We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and we have an amazingly supportive community with all sort of helping organisations.  That’s not to say things are perfect, there are many challenges that come with living here in Shetland, but it’s a great start and something to be grateful for.

Being and staying well

There’s a lot of things we can do individually to stay well, and at times of crisis any of us may need effective support services to help us through darker times. However there is an even bigger picture, and that is around our social circumstances and whether that supports or detracts from our mental wellbeing.  That might be related to our home, our relationships, our community, or even economic and environmental factors.  So many aspects take their toll.  There are so many pressures from all sides in today’s fast-paced (and digital) life.  Despite best efforts not everyone has equal opportunity and not everyone experiences circumstances within which they can thrive.  An element of system change is required before we can really make a difference to achieving good mental health for all.  We need the system around us to support us all to live within the best social circumstances we can, to reduce problems arising in the first place. 

Back to the dream…

What the Good Mental Health for All steering group are trying to achieve is a strategy which aids and adds strength to local communities and organisations to tackle the early determinants of poor mental health.  The hope is to work together to reach tangible solutions.  The steering group are taking a strengths-based approach, and want to properly understand areas of need.  There’s a variety of ways to achieve this, but the first and most important way is to hear from people directly about what is going right and what is going wrong.  

Help us help you – a call from the steering group!

We would like to know how you look after your mental health, what can make that difficult and when times are tough what else would help?  There are a number of ways to help us hear you and for you to get involved.  The Shetland Good Mental Health for All Survey is only 6 questions in total, and shouldn’t take long to complete. During the month of August there are also public displays at the Living Well Hubs in Brae, Scalloway and Bressay, as well as Shetland Library and Market House which you can contribute to.  Displays may also pop up at other venues.  We will also be visiting a number of groups over the next weeks, and there is opportunity for you to run your own workshop sessions if you would like to.

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Lynsey Rendall

Health Improvement Advisor

NHS Shetland